Engaging Indigenous and Newcomer Communities How can business excellence, better engage the Indigenous communities which abound throughout the Asia and the Pacific? The history of their access to business and their relationships with colonial, governing and mainstream societies is diverse and often has roots mired in marginalization and subjugation. Similarly, newcomer communities, immigrants, minority populations, foreign workers, and international companies need access to culturally appropriate and quality serviex, and as these communities grow in size and diversity, their needs must be anticipated and addressed.
Interculturalizationand Internationalization This theme will focus on Internationalization and interculturalization in business, in the larger community. Interculturalization encourages organizational and individual behavioural change towards culturally neutrality. It promotes the ability to understand and interact effectively and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts, supporting cross-cultural dialogue, and challenging self-segregation. It attempts to move past tolerance and the passive acceptance of diversity and towards promoting engagement and dialogue with appropriate and effective interaction.
A.I.M. : ACHIEVEMENT INNOVATION & MOTIVATION creating a culture committed to excellence
Changing Demands of Business in Digital ERA Throughout history, societies have educated youth to prepare them for success, to reach their full potential as productive members of the economy and to become responsible, principled citizens. But in the face of rapid technological, economic and societal change, and given the evolving nature of employment, in knowledge and service economies that use technologies not yet envisaged. global competence and the ability to discern, aggregate and synthesise information in ways we cannot yet imagine. companies must also focus on a well-rounded and value-laden covering culture and cultures, need(supply-chain) and a connection to growth. We invite submissions that take up the challenge of business in this new era and balance the needs of economy and society.